The ISA Research Committee on Futures Research (RC07) welcomes proposals for sessions related to future-oriented social research. Proposals that engage the theme of “Futures of the Anthropocene” are particularly encouraged.
A session will last 90 minutes. The standard format consists of the presentation of five papers followed by discussion. Other formats can be suggested too.
Sessions may be held in any of the ISA’s three official languages English, French, or Spanish. To promote exchange across linguistic divides, session organizers are encouraged to find creative solutions for including presentations in more than one language, such as full sequential translation by a volunteer; translation on Power Point slides; or life projection of typed summary translations.
Session proposals submittable: 2 May to 1 July 2024 via https://isaconf.confex.com/isaconf/forum2025/cfs.cgi
Paper abstracts submittable: 5 August to 15 October 2024 The Call for Papers will become available by 5 August 2024.
Relevant organizational information and instructions can be found on the ISA website at:https://www.isa-sociology.org/en/conferences/forum/rabat-2025/visaforumguidelines
RC07 Program Coordinators: Jan Nederveen Pieterse and Markus S. Schulz, isarc07@gmail.com