The International Sociological Association Research Committee on Futures Research (ISARC07) is pleased to announce for the third time a competition for the award honoring the best graduate student paper related to sociological futures research. The winner/s will present her/his/their paper in one of RC07’s scheduled sessions at the V ISA Forum of Sociology in Rabat, Morocco, 7-11 July 2025 and their name(s) will be published in the Newsletter. The award consists of a certificate with a citation and a monetary reward in the amount of US$1200, which can be used toward expenses for attending the Forum.
Eligible are graduate student-authored papers accepted for inclusion into RC07’s program at the V ISA Forum of Sociology in Rabat. The author(s) must be registered for a graduate degree at a degree granting institution at the time the paper is submitted. Employment as academic staff or junior faculty is no reason for exclusion. Candidates must hold an undergraduate degree (B.A. or equivalent) but cannot yet hold a Ph.D. (or equivalent) at the time the paper is submitted. Not eligible are papers that were co-authored with a faculty advisor or someone holding a Ph.D. (or its equivalent), that have been published already, or that have been accepted for publication more than three years prior to submission. Papers must be submitted in English or with an accompanying English translation. The maximum length for the paper is 8,000 words, including bibliography, plus an abstract of not more than 500 words. Winners must be member of both the ISA and RC07 at the time of receiving the award.
Deadline to submit full paper: 15 December 2024
How to submit
Applications must be emailed to with a copy to and the words “Graduate Student Award 2025” in the subject line and the paper and cover letter as separate attached files. The paper must follow scholarly standards, including proper referencing and documentation of sources. It should be typed double-spaced in 12 point font on numbered pages in a standard size (such as A4 or US letter of around 21cm × 29cm) with 3 cm margins. Notes and the bibliography should appear at the end. The paper may be formatted in one of these three formats: Adobe PDF (*pdf), Rich Text File (*.rtf), or Word document (*.doc). The front page should bear the paper’s title, brief abstract, and up to five keywords, but not the author(s) name or affiliation.
The cover letter must include author(s) names, full contact information (for the period until July 2025), paper title, and a brief curriculum vitae indicating which institutions were attended in what years and what degrees were obtained or are in progress. The names of degrees must be indicated in the original language; English translation or explanation of equivalency may be added.
Candidates normally residing in the Economic South (= ISA’s category B/C countries) are encouraged to provide further details on their residency status and periods spent abroad so as to be considered for further special mentioning or travel subsidies.
Submissions not conforming to these rules run risk of rejection. The jury reserves the right to request further particulars.
The papers will be evaluated by an international jury of distinguished scholars. The primary criteria for selection are originality of ideas, social relevance, conceptual rigor, analytical perceptiveness, and clarity of style.
In accordance with RC07’s Award Rules, the jury can decide to split the award, extend special recognition for the best paper from the Economic South (ISA’s category B/C countries), make honorary mentions of runners-up, or to not give an award at all. The winner(s) will be notified in or around early April 2025.